Why The Need for Day Training Centres Like PKKI?

Despite the government’s efforts to cater for the needs of the thousands of disabled persons in the country, the Ministry of National Unity & Development (Department of Social Welfare) and the Ministry of Education realised that they are unable to cope with the magnitude of the work involved.
The Welfare Department therefore encourages and welcomes non-governmental organisations or individuals that are willing to look into the needs of the disabled, and in our case, the giving of special education to children.
The Ministry of Education only admits children with learning difficulties from the age of seven, therefore leaving out the vital learning years (0-7 years) when early intervention is most successful and beneficial.
Even though the Ministry of Education has special classes and special schools to cater to the needs of the deaf, the blind and children with learning difficulties; the needs of thousands of others with multiple disabilities that do not fit into these categories are not met.
Other problems faced include the shortage of special classes and teachers trained in Special Education. This leads to a great number of children, especially those with behavioral problems, to be rejected for admission to special classes in government schools.